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Cover: GOPEA 2023

GOPEA 2023
Junge Kunst Fördern

Released in March 2024 | Delivery times: Germany ca. 3-5 days | Europe ca. 1-2 weeks | Others ca. 2-3 weeks
28,00 €
Free Shipping within Germany

As a supporter of young talent, GOPEA ("gallery of pre-established art") acquires selected works from over fifty students from state-recognized art academies each year. What all the artists have in common is that their work is primarily in the media of painting, drawing and graphics. The students are nominated by the professors teaching at the universities.

Young artists who are at the beginning of their careers and not yet established on the market are deliberately supported. The publication presents all nominees for the 2023 funding year in detail. Together with an introductory text, the book provides an exciting and informative insight into the current trends and tendencies at German art academies.


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