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Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
According to Nordic folklore, a bluish glow or will-o'-the-wisp indicates the place where fairy gold is hidden. This mysterious, mythical phenomenon, which presumably has its origins in the natural spectacle of the Northern Lights, has fascinated Lisa Rosenmeier since her childhood in Denmark.
Today, blue light stands for the radiation emitted by countless computer and cell phone screens. Blue light illuminates the faces of those who are completely immersed in their electronic devices. And who are often so caught up in the magic spell of their technical devices that they no longer perceive their "real" surroundings. The electric blue luminescence of the digital era thus swallows up and obscures the concrete presence of private and public spaces and promises limitless access to the infinite worlds behind and beyond our actual world.
In her multifaceted work, which is rooted in photography and also encompasses the media of movement and light in various manifestations and dimensions, Rosenmeier explores precisely these oscillations between reality and virtuality, facticity and illusion that permeate our contemporary existence, as well as the complex interrelationships between the natural and technological domains.