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The publication Modern Times: Archäologische Funde der Moderne und ihre Geschichtenand is dedicated for the first time to this latest field of work in archaeology. Sensational finds from the LWL Archaeology for Westphalia from the 19th and 20th centuries are shown for the first time and juxtaposed with objects from Finland, France and the USA. The book also provides an overview of the methods and challenges that modern archaeology poses for planning and excavations, for the evaluation of finds and features and for their archiving.
The chronological framework of the publication ranges from the beginning of industrialisation to the turn of the millennium. Everyday life in Westphalia at the time of the two world wars plays just as much a role as mining and steel production and life at festivals such as Woodstock. The focus is on the relationship between man and his objects, i.e. those things that man himself has produced. About 100 stories are told, each of which is exemplified by an object that is distinguished by its unique relationship to man. In addition, individual thematic complexes are presented in more detail on the basis of several exhibits.